Adult 3 on 3 Basketball Club

Days / TimeLocationClub LeadersEligibility
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Randolph ParkGary Hash
Mark Hanks
Registration Fee: $40.00 per team

This 3 on 3 men’s basketball club will meet weekly at Randolph Park. Registrations will be made by "teams" with a max of 5 players per team. Four games will run simultaneously playing within the half court. Club will run “King of the Court” style play each week with a tournament at the end of the club season. Basketballs will be provided – participants do not need to bring anything. Registration for this club will be limited to 8 teams. High school students are not eligible for this club. Spectators are welcome but will not be allowed within the basketball court areas. Early registration is encouraged. 

Currently Registering

Jiu-Jitsu is a monthly membership. Please contact Pulaski directly for your initial membership.